Extensions inspire

Shared network folder (SFTP)




Office Applications





March 01, 2019

Webstore Link:


This software provides you an ability to mount your remote file system to your Chrome OS via SFTP protocol (like sshfs).

* Works on only ChromeOS (Can work on ARM-based Chromebook since 1.7.6).
* Copying operation not supported.
* Only SSH2 protocol supported. FTP and SSH1 protocols not supported.
* Each credential to log in to SFTP server stores into the local storage.

Change history:
March 1th, 2019: 1.8.2
- Improved stability when copying files
February 25th, 2019: 1.8.1
- Improved reconnect ability
May 13th, 2018: 1.8.0
- Improved design to provide native look-and-feel
- Improved failure descriptions
- Added Dutch language
Jan 1st, 2017: 1.7.12
- Fix the broken UI problem (use Bootstrap instead of Polymer).
Dec 5th, 2015: 1.7.11
- Supported Xmas.
Sep 14th, 2015: 1.7.10
- Fixed the CSS problem.
Aug 31th, 2015: 1.7.9
- Reduce the number of notifications displayed on errors.
Jun 2nd, 2015: 1.7.8
- Supported onMountRequested event.
May 21th, 2015: 1.7.7
- Added the FSP definition to manifest.json file.
Apr 26th, 2015: 1.7.6
- Fixed the crash bug regarding ARM architecture (Actually, changed the toolchain to clang-newlib).
Apr 14th, 2015: 1.7.5
- Fixed the bug regarding ARM architecture.
Apr 12th, 2015: 1.7.4
- Added the debug log.
- Changed the timing of closing SFTP handle at reading file.
Apr 7th, 2015: 1.7.3
- Modified the logic to fetch the metadata (sync to async).
Apr 6th, 2015: 1.7.2
- Reverted the modification regarding closing the SFTP handle.
Apr 5th, 2015: 1.7.1
- Fixed the issue regarding closing the SFTP handle.
- Changed the Pepper API from 39 to 41.
Mar 30th, 2015: 1.7.0
- Remember the fingerprint.
Mar 29th, 2015: 1.6.1
- Improved the performance against reading a large file (Thx: fedoracooper).
Mar 24th, 2015: 1.6.0
- Improved the performance.
Mar 9th, 2015: 1.5.2
- Improved the behavior when resuming failed.
Feb 27th, 2015: 1.5.1
- Ignore non-regular files from a result of the read directory.
Feb 25th, 2015: 1.5.0
- Supported to delete a directory recursively.
Feb 25th, 2015: 1.4.1
- Fixed the bug which the saving file failed.
Feb 24th, 2015: 1.4.0
- Added the cache layer to reduce fetching directory/file metadata.
Feb 23th, 2015: 1.3.0
- Improved the unmounting timing.
- Added the new feature to spefcy the path as the root directory.
- Added the configuration settings dialog, and added the new feature to keep the password as well.
Feb 21th, 2015: 1.2.0
- Improved the resuming logic for more stably operation.
Feb 19th, 2015: 1.1.1
- Build failed (forgot including CryptoJS library).
Feb 19th, 2015: 1.1.0
- Improved performance, UI.
Feb 6th, 2015: 1.0.0
- First release.

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