Extensions inspire

Search by Image



Armin Sebastian

Search Tools






July 24, 2021

Webstore Link:


Search by Image is a browser extension that makes effortless reverse image searches possible, and comes with support for more than 30 search engines.

Search by Image is an open source project made possible thanks to a community of awesome supporters. If you'd like to support the continued development of the extension, please check out https://armin.dev/go/patreon

The extension helps journalists and researchers around the world to verify the authenticity of images, and assists the identification of false information and fake social media accounts. Search by Image is also popular among photographers, helping artists explore how their work is shared on the web, while shoppers find it valuable for discovering similar products at discounted prices.

The extension enables you to search for images from the context menu and the browser toolbar with the help of a diverse set of reverse image search engines, which can be toggled and reordered from the extension's options. Visit the wiki for the full list of supported search engines.


Images positioned at the selected area are detected regardless of how they were embedded in the page. The extension also supports uploading local images, searching for video frames, capturing details within images, and searching for images from private sites.

A handful of search modes are offered that serve different use cases. The search mode can be set independently for the context menu and the browser toolbar from the extension's options.

Search modes:
• Select: select an image on the page, then search for the image URL. Blob and data URLs will still be handled as image uploads. This is the default search mode.
• Select & upload: select an image on the page, then fetch the image, possibly from the browser cache, and upload it. This search mode is preferred for sites which do not allow direct linking of images, such as private sites.
• Capture: select and capture a page area, then upload it.
• Upload: select an image from your device, then upload it.
• URL: search for an image URL.

• Search with a single engine, or all enabled ones, directly from the top-level context menu item, or the browser toolbar button (see options)
• Detect any image on the page, including those declared in CSS and pseudo-elements
• Select the desired image from a dialog, when multiple images are found
• Search for images from private sites (see search modes)
• Search for local images (see search modes)
• Search for the current video frame

The context menu item is always visible, unless it is disabled. Visit the wiki for more details.


The image you select during a search is sent to the requested third-party service, such as Yandex.Images. Visit the extension's privacy policy for more information.


The extension is also available for Edge and Firefox: https://github.com/dessant/search-by-image#readme

Reviews are not monitored for bug reports, please use GitHub for issues and feature requests.


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