Welcome. We're so glad you've joined us here at Keeper of the Home, a site dedicated to naturally-inspired living for homemakers.
home·mak·er (n.) One who manages a household, especially as one's main daily activity.
As a homemaker, you wear a lot of hats. Your day to day duties as a household manager may include being a mother, a head chef, a math teacher, a laundress, a budding nutritionist, a toilet scrubber, a gracious hostess, a boo-boo kisser, a checkbook balancer, a gardener, a chauffeur, a master of the family calendar, a lost-sock finder, a jam maker, a gift giver, a board book reader, a beloved wife, and that's just the short list.
Homemaking is a beautiful, life-giving, monumentally important career. And?
It's a really a hard job.
To do it well, we all need regular inspiration and encouragement along the journey.
So where do you find your inspiration for homemaking?
There are a lot of websites out there, telling you how to decorate your home like a Pottery Barn display window, make pretty Pinterest-inspired cake pops, and keep your home perfectly, sparkling clean with a detailed weekly schedule.
You won't find that here.
Our inspiration begins with a simple fact... all that we ARE and HAVE and DO is from God and for God.
Stewardship (a fancy word for how we care for the things that we've been given charge over) inspires the way that we approach our homemaking. In fact, it's the foundation of what you'll find here at Keeper of the Home.
Informative and engaging health topics from an alternative perspective, natural home and herbal remedies, and tips for living a wholesome lifestyle.
Real food nutrition (that often goes against the grain of conventional advice, and back to traditional wisdom), kitchen tutorials, and family (and budget) friendly recipes.
Honest encouragement for mothers (because we all have hard days), caring for yourself and your little ones through pregnancy, infancy and toddlerhood, homeschool helps, and ideas for raising happy, healthy and responsible children.
Practical solutions for organizing your household and schedule, resources for the gardener and backyard homesteader, and thoughts on living the simple life.
Everything you need for a homemade, frugal lifestyle-- non-toxic cleaning, DIY beauty care products, frugal fixes, and handmade gifts worth giving.
Our mission statement is:
"To be an encouraging, inspiring and Christ-centered resource for those who aspire to healthful and natural homemaking."
To help you steward all that you've been given, we want to give you the means to do it well. We live in an information age, and we love to see what others are doing, to share what we're learning and what works well for us, and to join in community with others who are on the journey with us.
Wherever you're at in your own journey, there's a place for you in this community.
Keeper of the Home is made up of writers in all seasons of life... newly married, young moms in the throes of toddler and babyhood, moms of many who homeschool children all the way up to young adulthood, and everything else in between.
We are mostly homeschoolers (but not all), we are all concerned with healthy living and eating (though many of are at different places along the spectrum), and we are passionate about being diligent and intentional "keepers of our home".
We're certainly enthusiastic about natural and healthy living, and that comes through clearly in our posts on nutrition, sustainable living, gardening and preserving, non-toxic homemaking and much more.
But beyond all of that, what truly unites us is the even greater love we have for the One who created all of this naturalness. Stewarding our health and the earth, as well as our homes, our times, and our families, is very important. But even more important? Honoring the Lord, who gave us all of these good things to steward in the first place.
These things we write and talk about here are merely an opportunity to live in the goodness of His grace, to honor Him with our decisions and our lifestyle.
We're so glad you've joined us. Won't you pull up a chair, a warm mug of something delicious, and share this journey with us?
Extore is a team of professionals who are passionate about creating extensions for web browsers. This devotion also gives us opportunity to appreciate work of other people. We get inspired by useful, open source extensions made by developers all over the world. Our strong belief is that one should share helpful add-ons with others. That’s why we’d like to present you our ever-growing list of favourite extensions that have inspired us. Moreover, as you probably have already learned, sometimes struggling for the best brings an end to the good. Talking about add-ons it often turns out that an upgrade is worse then previous version. Also it can become really tricky to get back to the beloved version of your favourite extension. That’s why we’re going to make not only the latest, but all versions of our favourite (and we hope yours too) add-ons available for download. No more compromises, just stick to the version you really like!