Extensions inspire

Idiots with Idioms



Ọc Ọc

Social & Communication





October 03, 2021

Webstore Link:


An extension that helps you to learn English better with idioms.

Formerly an English teacher at an education center, I realized from the interaction with my students that they learned faster and remembered better when English is made more interesting. For example, getting them to guess what the phrase ‘let the cat out of the bag’ means gets more attention and “cuter” than merely telling them its meaning is ‘revealing a secret’.

I also found that much time is wasted when people making search something with Google and wait for the results or making search one by one on the internet for definition and use of idioms.

This is the reason why I have created this extension which shows randomly an idiom, its meaning and example whenever people open a new tab. I strongly believe this extension will help and make it more interesting for many users to learn English, especially those where English is not their first language.

P/s: Dear all my Vietnamese friends, stay tune for the next version of this extension, it's a secret but let me reveal you guys a hint: "How is that idiom can be said in Vietnamese idiom?"

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