Extensions inspire

Power Saver



Nate Watson






October 11, 2014

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version  - Download ZIP file


This theme changes the colors used by Chrome so the screen uses less power. Everything is just as view-able as normal. Power saver is ideal for anyone who uses a battery powered device or just wants to help the planet.

Power is saved by:
1. Using blacks and greys where whites and off-whites would normally be used.
2. Using darker tab colors with light text instead of visa versa.
3. Using primary colors instead of white, thus cutting the required screen power by over 60% in some cases.
4. Blues and Reds has been used instead of silvers and light greys, resulting in a cheaper electric bill and longer battery times.

Update: the new tab page is now black with green text instead of green with black text. This is due to the large number of people who complained of headaches. This change is expected to save significantly more wattage. There have been other smaller changes as well. There has been a switch to darker greens and the yellow tab text has been replaced with a green tinted orange.

Update: the blue toolbar is no longer in use. It has been phased out for black. All black text now has a more visible color. This is expected to improve power performance.

Update: Version 5 is on its way. This will include major updates, such as removing the tabstrip glow and improving the lower bar on the new tab page.

Update: Version 5 has arrived! The tabbar has been improved, to eliminate the glow. Expect more updates.

Update: Version 7 has arrived! This is mainly a performance update. This version saves about as much power as version 5, but uses only 75% as much memory and storage as version 5. "To those interested, version 6 was an experimental build that was only for development use." This should buy another few seconds of battery life.

I would like to thank all of Power Saver's users, and I'm glad to see that you've enjoyed it so much. Expect further future improvements.

If you wish to uninstall Power Saver, go to chrome://settings/ and click "Reset to default theme". These instructions may vary for users of languages other than English, and anyone who is using an extension that changes the extension page.

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