Extensions inspire




Mathew Horvath

Developer Tools






August 10, 2021

Webstore Link:


version 2.0.3  - Download ZIP file

version 2.0.2  - Download ZIP file

version 2.0.1  - Download ZIP file

version 2.0.0  - Download ZIP file

version 1.0.11  - Download ZIP file

version 1.0.7  - Download ZIP file

version 1.0.6  - Download ZIP file


This is for use with Einstein Analytics dashboards - more specifically, on the JSON editor.
It enables a page action when editing JSON on an Einstein Analytics dashboard, and when activated, will show a menu of available steps to modify, which will bring up a code editor. It will only show custom SAQL queries and is ideal when modifying SAQL with bindings, since the standard editor won't allow direct editing.

Note: this is WIP, and feedback is always appreciated.

Updates 11/8/2021
- Added option whether or not to backup Replicated Datasets on full backup
- Tweaked SAQL editor gui for dropdown theme and font size
- Removed JSONBin backup for dataflow layouts

Updates 14/5/2021
- Fixed to work with new changes coming in Summer 21? (run in sandbox)
- As a consequence, the SAQL editor now utilises a 'contained' editor, which you can change between light/ dark theme and change the font size.
- Backups of dataset XMD's also include an 'easy' version, which has fields tweaked from system fields to allow for easy upload/ rename (compliments of Pete Lyons)

Updates 16/3/2021
- slight change to XMD backup for datasets - now includes both MAIN and user, and strip fields so it can be used directly from backup

Updates 9/3/2021
- Complete overhaul of popup - conversion to full web pages
- backup and all other API related calls utilising new format

Updates 21/9/2020
- Initial work to run in sandbox environments (metadata export/ backup not working)
- Dataflow layout enhancements - auto arrange, straighten, auto load/ save attempts

Updates 2/6/2020
- Small fix to ensure running in sandbox environments
- removed unnecessary permissions in manifest

Updates 28/1/2020
- BUGFIX ensured that the static editor functionality is all there.
- This release should have most of functionality running with future release - have had to put in support to run with a new editor (SAQL). Note - drag drop not working on SAQL editor.
- Added job history node download for detailed dataflow run analysis.

Updates 6/11/2019
- BUGFIX put in fix to stop split error message on measure filter in lens

Updates 7/10/2019
- Initial work to ensure it works with future releases of Einstein/ Salesforce
- Updated both saql editing and dataflow layouts to handle multiple containers
- Added comments (by right mouse clicking) for dataflow layouts
- Added description text box for saql editing (appears on side tree)

Updates 24/09/2019
- Added dataflow layout handling

Updates 16/09/2019
- Added more functionality to the popup page around Metadata/ Discovery

Updates 20/8/2019
- tweaked backup to allow more functionality

Updates 14/8/2019
- added popup functionality to allow backup of recently modified objects in EA
- added shortcut (default Ctrl-Shft-S) to toggle sidebar - can be modified in extensions/ keyboard shortcuts
- added 'draggable' menu to show datasets used in current SAQL query - and SAQL functions as well (ie, can drag/ drop measures/ dims into editor)
- tweaked the static editor to allow for more room (use resizable text area)
- automatically append new lines after ';' if none present (displays nicer)

Updates 30/7/2019
- tweaked the static flex editor to provide more control over the data type (classify as string, number or object/array by toggling button)
- made side menu size adjustable by dragging bottom corner square

Updates 15/7/2019
- can show hide side by clicking on the icon
- also allows you to modify pigql style setup
- now you can right click on components to rename (including attached widgets)
- when clicking/ editing entities, it also jumps to the location in the json
- new static step editor

Top Extensions


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Extore is a team of professionals who are passionate about creating extensions for web browsers. This devotion also gives us opportunity to appreciate work of other people. We get inspired by useful, open source extensions made by developers all over the world. Our strong belief is that one should share helpful add-ons with others. That’s why we’d like to present you our ever-growing list of favourite extensions that have inspired us. Moreover, as you probably have already learned, sometimes struggling for the best brings an end to the good. Talking about add-ons it often turns out that an upgrade is worse then previous version. Also it can become really tricky to get back to the beloved version of your favourite extension. That’s why we’re going to make not only the latest, but all versions of our favourite (and we hope yours too) add-ons available for download. No more compromises, just stick to the version you really like!