B站弹幕 下载. 下载bilibili/B站的弹幕,生成供本地播放器使用的ass字幕文件
1. 在B站视频播放页
2. 点击浏览器右上角的"扩展", 再点击此"扩展"的图标就会弹出下载控制窗
3. 默认情况该扩展可能在"扩展"的拼图图标中隐藏着, 注意找一下
Potplayer 播放器安装xy-VSFilter 或 xy-SubFilter字幕插件. 同时使用自带字幕功能+字幕插件实现同时播放两个字幕文件.
Extore is a team of professionals who are passionate about creating extensions for web browsers. This devotion also gives us opportunity to appreciate work of other people. We get inspired by useful, open source extensions made by developers all over the world. Our strong belief is that one should share helpful add-ons with others. That’s why we’d like to present you our ever-growing list of favourite extensions that have inspired us. Moreover, as you probably have already learned, sometimes struggling for the best brings an end to the good. Talking about add-ons it often turns out that an upgrade is worse then previous version. Also it can become really tricky to get back to the beloved version of your favourite extension. That’s why we’re going to make not only the latest, but all versions of our favourite (and we hope yours too) add-ons available for download. No more compromises, just stick to the version you really like!