VandyTab has all the links and times you need in one place. Every time you open a new tab, YES, Brightspace, Gmail, and Taste of Nashville are a click away. Food venue times, VandyVan times, cafeteria descriptions, menus, and special dining events are also easily accessible. Enjoy a sleek, personalized newtab page with pictures of our beautiful campus.
-YES, Blackboard, Gmail, and Taste of Nashville links.
-Food venue times.
-VandyVan times.
-Custom name. You can also change your name by clicking on it.
-Changing background on open/refresh.
-Swapped Blackboard for Brightspace.
-Dining time adjustments.
-VandyVan time adjustments.
-Window resize bug fix.
-Time fix.
-Fade-in effect update.
-UI enhancements.
-Scrollbar background color fix.
-Photo credit fix.
-Menu link fix.
-Scroll bar made larger so it's easier to click.
-VandyVan time fix.
-Added VandyVan times.
-Change name functionality added. Click your name to do so.
-Clicking food venues opens page with their respective description.
-Food venues that close during certain days now show days that they will open.
-Time bug fix.
-Column line bug fix.
-Vertical adjusts with screen size.
-Optimized for smaller screens.
-Offline font optimization.
-Removed unused resources.
-Icons no longer stack when window is minimized.
-Positioning changed.
-New icons.
-Times updated.
-Times fixed.
-Fixed border color bug.
-Food times bug was fixed.
-Time font-size altered for readability.
-Name feature added.
-Fade in/fade out effects added.
-New background added.
-Food times added.
-Different background when new tab opened or on refresh.
-YES, Blackboard, Gmail, Card Services links.
-Time/Date displayed.
-Photo credit link on bottom left.
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