Merch Research PRO now includes the Merch Royalty & Profit Calculator that shows the royalty per shirt as well as the estimated SALES and PROFITS based on the product's Sales Rank. This information shows on the search results page as well as the individual product pages.
Merch Research PRO now includes the ability to download the titles and keywords from the Top 100 selling Merch shirts (or ANY keyword search). Use this list to see what keywords are being used most often in the best selling shirts. Copy and paste into wordcloud sites like to make your own wordclouds.
To download the keywords, please start your search at
The Merch Research Pro edition includes all of the Merch Research features (listed below) PLUS the ability to DOWNLOAD the first 500 search results from ANY Merch By Amazon search into a CSV file sorted by Sales Rank.
Merch Research is the most complete research extension for Merch By Amazon sellers.
Use many of these same search features on your MOBILE DEVICE at
Merch Research Features:
Fully customizable to ADD YOUR OWN links!
Merch Research for Merch By Amazon includes:
Search for any keyword and show ALL Merch By Amazon listings
Show Sales Ranks on search results pages
Search USPTO for any keyword
Pre-filled Merch By Amazon Copyright Infringement Report
Search for copycat listings by TITLE
Download high resolution image for marketing purposes
Search social media sites
Search Marketplaces
Search Online Images
-Google Images
-Yahoo Images
-Bing Images
-Yandex Images
Search Keyword Research Sites
-Keyword Finder
-Keyword Explorer
Search Print On Demand Sites
Merch By Amazon Groups/Forums
-Merch Life
-Merch Designers
-Merch Marketers
-Amazon Forums
-Merch Life Pro
-Merch Power
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