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Social & Communication






May 21, 2021

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FB redesigned their newsfeed and I've decided to not be all things to all people so I'm just hiding things that annoy me personally. I'll replace the code on Git eventually so you can make your own mods.

As of 21 May 2021 this extension:
Hides FB 'algorithmically' selected content:
* "Sponsored Ads"
* "Suggested for You"
* "Suggested Page(s)"
* "People You May Know"

Collapses user generated content:
* Cover photo changes
* Shared Memories/Memory Related
* Life Events
* Check-ins/Meet-ups. This is surprisingly diverse to catch
* Friend donations
* Birthday and related
* Certain ads you get to see because a friend left a comment on one

Collapsed "User generated content" appears with a gray or red dot on the left edge of the newsfeed. Hover over the dot to reveal the content temporarily

Hidden content (anything generated by FB) is not revealable. But if you *really* need to you can use Chrome's dev tools to inspect the page.

Update May 21, 2021
* Sometimes friends make donations. FB makes them public. This extension collapses them.
* Added collapsing of additional Check-In style "Meet-ups." This content is revealable.</li>

Update 13-May-2021
* Added blocking of "Suggested Page(s)" content
* Blocking ads you get to see because a friend left a comment on one.

Update 13-Apr-2021
* Bug Fix. Search logic was letting some suggested content through. Fixed.
* Added blocking of "People You May Know" content

Update 06-Apr-2021
* Simplified the code. No more Options and as such, fewer chrome manifest permissions.
* Just blocks Sponsored Ads and "Suggested for You" content

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